Barley, hops, and yeast descriptions

This little cheat-sheet describes some of the common ingredients used in our homebrews, mainly the Belgian-style beers.

Barley and Other Grains


Hops Country Bitterness Description
Amarillo U.S. Medium to High Grapefruit/Tart/Lively
Centennial U.S. High Rounded/Pine Needles/Tangerine
East Kent Golding U.K. Low to Medium Dried Flowers/Moss/Plum
Hallertau Germany Low New Leaves/Crisp/Grassy
Saaz Czech Low Dried Herbs/White Pepper/Apples
Styrian Golding Slovenia Low to Medium White Pepper/Moss/Undergrowth
Tettnang Germany Low White Flowers/Straw/Peach
Willamette U.S. Low Herbal/Woody/Pleasant

Source 7.


Our Belgian Homebrews


The above information was culled from the following sources:


  1. Brewing with Briess - 6-Row -  ↩

  2. page 125 in "How to Brew" -  ↩

  3. Caramel Munich 60L Malt - ↩

  4. page 125 in "How to Brew" -  ↩

  5. page 125 in "How to Brew" -  ↩

  6. page 125 in "How to Brew" -  ↩

  7. page 17 in "Make Some Beer" -  ↩

  8. Wyeast Belgian Strong Ale -  ↩

  9. Wyeast Trappist High Gravity -  ↩

  10. White Labes Belgian Saison II -  ↩

  11. Fermentis Safbrew S-33 (pdf file) -  ↩